Reducing Headaches and Stress

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A tension headache is the type of headache that occurs due to the muscles tightening from the neck, head and the upper back portion of the brain.

Most people claim that such type of headaches is caused due to stress. Stress causes the body’s nervous structure to start the “fight” response that is caused by reduced breathing, increased rate of blood pressure, increased heart beat and the increased tension of muscles.

Depression, Stress, and Headache

According to research studies, the people who got affected because of depression, anxiety and stress, face headaches more frequently as compared to normal people. Anxiety or stress can aggravate the condition by:

A tension headache is the type of headache that occurs due to the muscles tightening from the neck, head and the upper back portion of the brain.
A tension headache is the type of headache that occurs due to the muscles tightening from the neck, head and the upper back portion of the brain.
  • Increasing the muscle tension.
  • Intake of a stress product like adrenaline.
  • Minimizing the use of relaxing chemicals like endorphins.
  • Minimizing the emotional endurance to strains and stressors.
  • Minimizing pain thresholds.
  • Neutralizing the effects and impacts of pain relievers.

Treatment for Headaches (Short-term)

  • Pain medication like paracetamol and aspirin.
  • Heat treatment like soaking in a hot bath.
  • The usage of ice packs for the face.
  • A shoulder, neck or scalp massage.
  • Stress minimization activities like hypnosis, relaxation and meditation.
  • Entertainment to distract yourself, like movies or reading a good book.

Treatment for Headaches (Long-term)

According to the latest research, regular exercises can reduce muscle tension, in addition to minimizing the stress symptoms like depression, headaches, and various mood disorders. Some other means to decrease stress include:

  • Aerobic exercises like swimming, cycling and walking.
  • Relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga or hypnosis.
  • The improvement of stress management with proper consultation.
  • Anti-depressant medication.

Sleep Better

Lack of sleep increases a person’s stress levels. Getting sufficient sleep can help in reducing the amount of headaches one gets. A person should get at least 8 hours of sleep per night and have a regular sleep schedule, like going to bed and standing up at the same time each night/day.

To improve sleep you may also want to try:

  • Removing any electronics in your room so it doesn’t disturb you.
  • Not consuming too many liquids after you have had your dinner.
  • Reading or some other activity until you feel sleepy.

Reducing the Stress Level in Your Life

If you are facing regular headaches, then it is a warning that you may be stressed or your life is chaotic. For this, you must try to minimize the stress level in your life. Chronic stress can cause serious problems like a heart attack or stroke.

Things to Consider

  • There are many factors that can cause tension headaches. One of these reasons include stress.
  • People who get affected by depression and anxiety, face tension headaches more often.
  • Women are more prone to headaches due to their lifestyle.
  • All the short period treatment ways include massage, exercise, relaxation and medicine.

Related Video On Stress and Headaches


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