Benefits of coconut oil

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Coconuts are all-round fruits that are good not just for culinary purpose but also for its medicinal benefits. Coconut oil and saturated fats boosts the function of the immune system and for protection against a variety of pathogens. Medium-chain fatty acids present in coconut oil possess antimicrobial properties against bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa.

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Coconut oil has smooth and silky texture and it is rich in healing properties and works as a skin protectant. It can be used as a simple moisturizer and helps in treating skin problems such as sunburn. It is also used to protect and nourish the skin.

Coconut oil is high in vitamin E content which is good for skin healing and the triglycerides in coconut oil helps retain moisture from escaping from the skin and makes it soft and supple.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil can also help cure and prevent acne and provides a pH balance that fights infections. It can also be used to heal cuts and minor burns.

Athlete’s foot can be treated using coconut oil by combining coconut oil with tea tree oil in order to minimize the symptoms as well as other fungal rashes. A foot bath using coconut vinegar and tea tree oil can help with athlete’s foot as well as massaging the affected feet using coconut oil mixed with a few drops of lavender, rosemary or Cyprus which contains antiseptic properties before going to bed.

Other benefits

Coconut oil can also help cure and prevent acne and provides a pH balance that fights infections. It can also be used to heal cuts and minor burns. Adding coconut oil in the diet has similar effects on the skin which helps keep the individual stay young, strong and supple. Coconut oil has high antioxidant levels that slow down the effects of free radicals in the body that leads to the signs of aging.

Coconut oil for problems of the sinus

All of has four sinus cavities in the body which include the eye sockets, cheek bones, area above the eye brows and at the rear part of the nose. If there is pain in these areas he/she is suffering from sinusitis which is the inflammation caused by bacteria or fungus found in the area. Coconut oil contains lauric acid which contains a medium chain saturated fatty acid and it has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties.

Treating sinusitis using coconut oil

Treat sinusitis using coconut oil by lying down on the back. Dip a finger in the coconut oil then place it inside the nostrils. It will release the buildup of mucus and other germs that lays dormant in the area, then add peppermint or cayenne to the coconut oil in order to achieve a potent effect similar to a a vaporizer.

Coconut oil consumption in food or taking in a teaspoon or two can help with sinus problems. This should be accompanied by getting plenty of sleep, minimize being stressed out and minimize intake of sugar to help with the healing. Minimize or discontinue using dairy products until sinusitis has fully healed. If you want to include coconut oil as part of the treatment, it is best to enroll in a course on first aid today.

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