Steps To Treat Food Poisoning

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Overview Of Food Poisoning

  • Food poisoning also referred to as food-borne illness take places when you eat foods or drinks that are polluted with germs, microorganisms, parasites or pollutants, which are toxic substances.
  • These toxic elements can pollute foods at any point during its handling or production.
  • It can also pollute foods at home if the foods are not correctly prepared or handled.

Causes Of Food Poisoning

  • Microorganisms and infections.
    Food poisoning, also referred to as food borne illness take places when you eat foods or drinks that are polluted with germs, microorganisms, parasites or pollutants, which are toxic substances.
    Food poisoning, also referred to as food borne illness take places when you eat foods or drinks that are polluted with germs, microorganisms, parasites or pollutants, which are toxic substances.
  • Parasites.
  • Mold, poisons, and pollutants.
  • Allergens (such as wheat).

Symptoms Of Food Poisoning

  • Vomiting.
  • Queasiness.
  • Diarrhea.
  • High temperature.
  • Headaches.
  • Abdominal cramps.
  • Lack of fluids leading to dehydration.

Treatment Of Food Poisoning

Treatment for food poisoning might comprise of:

  • Make certain you consume lots of water or liquids, so your body doesn’t become dehydrated and get enough rest.
  • Take some warm water in a glass with a few drops of lemon juice and a touch of sugar and salt; mix well and drink.
  • Eat tasteless foods such as crackers, bananas or bread.
  • Add a couple drops of ginger juice to a tablespoon of pure honey to decrease swelling and pain.
  • If diarrhea and nausea persist for longer than 2 days, you must consult with your doctor.

Steps To Avoid

  • Stay away from unpasteurized dairy products.
  • Look at the expiration date prior to purchasing food products.
  • Don’t eat food products after the expiration date declared on the label.
  • Do not eat uncooked eggs, chicken, beef or fish.
  • Stay away from foods that have a strange scent or rotten taste.
  • Clean your utensils carefully prior to and after cooking rare meat, poultry, seafood or vegetables.
  • Don’t purchase foods in containers or cans that are broken, spoiled or have some defect on it.

Prevention Of Food Poisoning

  • Clean your hands carefully with soap and water prior and after handling food, after using the toilet, touching the bin, or touching your pets.
  • Use different chopping boards for uncooked meat products, vegetables, and ready prepared foods.

 Related Video On Food Poisoning

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