There are no better providers in Los Angeles than Los Angeles CPR. Trainees are given quality training from certified instructors all through the week, with programs even held during the weekends. Because all of our programs are certification courses, trainees get easily get their credentials once they complete all the requirements of a program. There are three BLS (Basic Life Support) programs and two ALS (Advanced Life Support) programs offered to trainees, healthcare providers and the general public alike.
The most efficient way to sign up for training is on the Los Angeles CPR website. Trainees can use the application form on the page to fill out the necessary personal and program details to start their training. There are other ways to enrol as well, such as e-mails, telephone calls, and enrolment in person at the training center during business hours.
Training in CPR
Basic Life Support is a set of guidelines from the AHA (American Heart Association) that covers the basics in giving CPR to victims of cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is a term used to describe a situation where the heart is not beating and cannot pump blood effectively to the rest of the body. To get the heart pumping, chest compressions have to be performed manually. This is called cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CPR includes compressions, giving rescue breaths after 30 compressions, and sometimes defibrillation.
- Heartsaver CPR – 4 hours, includes AED and first aid lessons. The program teaches trainees how to perform one-person CPR rescue on an adult victim as well as a few first aid skills such as wound care and splinting. This is a general public program so the skills test at the end is optional for those who want to become certified rescuers.
- Heartsaver CPR (C) – 4.5 hours, same curriculum as Heartsaver CPR. This program is tailored for healthcare providers, making the practical and written tests at the end mandatory to all trainees. Credentials are awarded once the tests have been passed.
- BLS for healthcare providers – 4.5 hours, introduces trainees to the 2010 BLS guidelines from the AHA. Unlike the first two CPR programs, this teaches both 1-person and 2-person CPR rescue to trainees. They are taught the basics of the BLS guidelines and about the Chain of Survival (steps in giving CPR). Trainees need to pass a pre-test to qualify for this program as well as a post-test to receive their certificates.
Advanced Life Support is a set of guidelines for healthcare professionals who are tasked to address cardiac arrest in the hospital or a similar clinical set up. ALS certification is the most common healthcare credential requested when HCPs apply for jobs. ALS has two parts: ACLS for adult victims and PALS for child victims. To qualify for these programs, students need to pass a pre-test and have a valid BLS for healthcare providers credential.
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support – 2 days, 16 hours; teaches ALS for adult victims. Aside from basic skills like compressions, students are introduced to the “crash cart” in ACLS training. Crash carts contain all the necessary equipment and medication used and given to patients when addressing cardiac arrest. A practical and written test are mandatory at the end of the program.
- Pediatric Advanced Life Support – 2 days, 14 hours; teaches ALS for pediatric victims. The curriculum is basically the same as ACLS training but for victims who are children.