First Aid For Mouth Or Tooth Injuries

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Overview Of Mouth Injuries

  • Injuries sustained to the mouth and teeth can happen from falling on the face or a harsh blow, such as a punch.
  • A blow beneath the jawbone can result in the casualty biting their tongue or lips. Such injuries can be related with excessive bleeding, which can be a hazard to the casualty’s airway. If a tooth is knocked out in an accident or fall, the proper first aid might be able to save the tooth.
  • Inflammation around the mouth can be related with an injury or an allergic response. This can result in blockage to the throat and airway for which quick medical evaluation and treatment is needed.

Symptoms And Signs 

  • Blood loss from the mouth, tongue, teeth or lips.
  • Throbbing pain around the mouth after an injury.
  • A damaged or displaced tooth.
  • Inflammation in the mouth or around the jawbone.

How You Can Help

  1. Evaluate the casualty and the injury
  • Make sure that the casualty’s airway is not blocked. If there is any danger of blood seeping down the throat or an increased inflammation of the mouth, tongue or throat, move the casualty on their side in a comfortable position.
  • If the bleeding is slow and there seems to be no breathing trouble, assist the casualty into a position that is comfortable for them – usually sitting or semi-sitting.
  1. Manage any blood loss
    Inflammation around the mouth can be related with an injury or an allergic response
    Inflammation around the mouth can be related with an injury or an allergic response
  • Apply direct force to any bleeding wound. Fold a disinfected dressing into a pad and ask the casualty to press it tightly on the bleeding area.
  • If the bleeding occurs due to a cut lip, tell the casualty to hold the wounded region tightly between the folds of a damp tissue or bandage.

If A Tooth Has Been Knocked Out

  • Hold the displaced tooth by the crown. Don’t handle it by the root.
  • Ask the casualty to suck it clean and then attempt to place the tooth back in the original socket to keep the root alive. A dentist should assist the causality within 1 hour if you want the tooth to be saved.
  • If the casualty can’t help with the replacement of the tooth in its original position, try to keep the tooth damp and clean. If the casualty is fully awake, ask the casualty to hold the tooth in their mouth. This will keep the tooth moist.
  1. Get medical assistance or dental advice
  • If the damage involves a tooth or the jawbone, organize quick transport to a dentist. If the casualty is completely awake, they can be taken in a private vehicle.
  • If there is severe bleeding or inflammation of the mouth or throat, the casualty has to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

 Related Video On Mouth Injuries

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