Management of corn allergy

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Corn is a cereal grain that contains protein that is similar with other cereal grains such as wheat. There are allergic reactions to corn such as anaphylaxis which is a result of eating corn-related foods or a severe reaction after exposure to cornstarch present in surgical gloves. People with the allergy can also end up with a reaction to corn pollen, grass pollen and cornstarch usually with allergic rhinitis and asthma.

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Symptoms of corn allergy

The symptoms can be mild to moderate but other people reacts severely to corn that will cause a life threatening situation. Take note that it takes a few minutes or hours to develop these symptoms. Other symptoms include the following:

Corn allergy
Difficulty in breathing, runny nose and sneezing are symptoms of corn allergy.
  • Tingling sensations that can be felt in the lips and inside the mouth.
  • There is swelling of the lips, throat, eyes and face
  • Itchiness and hives develops on the skin
  • Difficulty in breathing, runny nose and sneezing
  • Watery red eyes and a flushed face
  • Nausea and vomiting along with weakness and fatigue

Sometimes, the reaction can be life threatening if left untreated but it is very rare such as excessive perspiration, fast pulse rate, low blood pressure and swelling in the throat, breathlessness and ultimately shock.

Treatment and home remedies for corn allergy

  • Take antihistamines in order to relieve corn allergy symptoms
  • Stick with the elimination diet where he/she eliminates one food at a time in order to recognize which food he/she is allergic to. If allergic, the best way is to avoid corn and other corn products.

If you will register for first aid training today, you can readily ease the symptoms of allergy before the individual is taken to the emergency department for further treatment.

Foods that should be avoided

  • Cold breakfast cereals contains corn and avoid cereals that contain ingredients such as corn syrup, dextrin, malodextrin, malt syrup, sorbitol, vanilla extract or baking soda. Oats, rice and wheat are grains that are found in cereals and are safe for people with corn allergy. Old-fashioned oatmeal is good for people with corn allergy. Pop tarts, frozen waffles, pancakes and syrup that are made from corn should also be avoided.
  • Avoid processed desserts and snack foods that contain corn ingredients. Eat foods with rice and wheat based ingredients. All-natural ice cream and all-fruit frozen bars are corn-free desserts.
  • Avoid luncheon meats such as bologna, cured or smoked ham and pastrami since they oftentimes contains food additives derived from corn. Eat natural peanut butter and all fruit jam, tuna packed in water or natural, grilled chicken breast as topping for breads and sandwiches. Fresh meat, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products and legumes that are prepared naturally does not contain corn.
  • Other foods that should be avoided include sauces, gravies, yogurt, baby formulas, meal replacement shakes, canned fruits, spaghetti sauces, caramel extracts, margarine as well as ketchup, creamers on coffee and even cough drops.

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