How to treat eczema in toddlers

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Toddlers are children between the age of 1-2 years and eczema is a chronic skin condition that is common in toddlers and infants. These are raised, red-colored, rough and severe itchy patches that are dry or oozing. These are commonly caused by atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is hypersensitivity to certain kind of allergens that are present in the environment. Eczema usually starts in the first few years of life and disappears when he/she reaches the age of five or six or reaches adolescent, but in between those years, there is a relapse and reappearance of the condition.

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Causes of eczema in toddlers

  • Exposure to dust, pollen, dander and foods. People who have eczema in the infancy stage face a high risk of developing asthma and hay fever later in their lives.
  • Eczema in early infancy can be caused by introduction of a new food to his/her diet. Eczema is not likely to occur among infants that are breast fed and may occur when cow’s milk is introduced into the diet.
  • Other allergens such as wool and house dust can also cause reactions in the skin and factors such as sweating and drooling can only worsen the condition.
  • Flare-ups can develop in skin that is dry or skin that comes in contact with an allergen and skin where infection has developed.
When it comes to skin irritation among toddlers, it can be seen in the elbows and knees.

Symptoms of eczema on toddlers

  • An initial lesion of eczema produces intense itchiness and eczema among infants occurs in the cheeks as a red rash which may develop into tiny blisters over the affected area and can spread to other parts of the body.
  • When it comes to skin irritation among toddlers, it can be seen in the elbows and knees. Later, as the child grows, the irritation can spread to the elbow and at the back of the knee, wrist joint and even the skin around the mouth and eyes can also be affected.
  • The eczematous lesions are reddened and sore and there is intense itching which makes the child uncomfortable. Along with continuous scratching, it will result to weeping and crusting. The affected area will be transformed into a raw surface with oozing serum, pus and blood.
  • There will are periods of remission and swelling that disappear which leaves behind healthy skin, but the lesions can occur again after some time due to triggering factors. Continuous scratching and rubbing will cause the skin to thicken and eventually cracked. These are usually seen in the folds of the skin in the elbow, knees and the wrist.

Treatment and home remedies

  • The toddler must avoid exposure to wool and house dust.
  • Sometimes, eczema can be treated at the seashore where exposure to sun and salt water can be helpful but avoid overexposure to sunlight.
  • Avoid using hot baths but only use warm water while bathing toddlers.
  • Avoid using scented soaps.
  • Avoid rubbing and scrubbing the body with a towel after taking a bath. All you have to do is to gently pat the towel on his/her body.
  • Apply coconut oil in order to moisturize the body after a bath and keep the nails short in order to minimize injury on the skin if he/she scratches the affected area.

If you want to properly manage the symptoms of eczema in toddlers, all you have to do is enroll in a class on first aid today.

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