
How to treat a stroke

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A stroke occurs when there is any interruption of blood to the brain. Arteries are blood vessels that carry the blood to the brain. This blood contains all the essential nutrients and oxygen. The artery becomes obstructed or bursts and can cause an interruption of blood to the brain. When the artery bursts this is also known as a hemorrhagic stroke. The brain cells die when they get insufficient blood supply or enough oxygen and nutrition. The damaged area of the brain is known as the cerebral infarct. If a stroke is identified in a timely manner, the casualty will be given medication to dissolve the clot. Sometimes aspirin may also help to thin the blood and dissolves clots.

Disclaimer / More Information

A stroke is a serious emergency and immediate medical help is needed if you suspect one. The material posted on this page is for learning purposes only. To learn to recognize and manage a stroke register for first aid training at a location near you.

Stroke emergency diagnosis


In order to identify the common stroke signs, FAST test is used. FAST test is an abbreviation for:

Facial Weakness: For this, you must check the patient’s face, is it showing any signs of distress?

Arm Weakness: is the patient able to lift both of his hands?

Speech problems: Is the patient able to speak easily? Can he understand what you say?

Time: The time is always critical.

In case, if you find any such symptoms, you must immediately go to the hospital. Don’t forget timing is important as a stroke is a severe condition that needs to be treated as soon as possible.


Don’t consider the stroke as a heart attack. As already stated a stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted. Some of these strokes are not dangerous while some may cause temporary or serious disability.

The weakness of the arms, face and speech inability are not the only symptoms of a stroke, but there are also a number of other symptoms. They may comprise of one or a combination of many:

  • Paralysis and the weakness of the arms, face or legs on one side or both.
  • The inability of the person to speak accurately and understand others.
  • The loss of balance and also signs of dizziness.
  • Facing difficulty in swallowing.
  • Constant headaches.

All these signs may last for a few minutes or for 24 hours, after that they may disappear. If the symptoms disappear then the condition is known as a mini-stroke.

Risk factors

There are a number of factors that can lead to a stroke. All the factors that must be considered include:

  • Nature.
  • The blockage or burst artery.
  • Any damage to the brain or cells.
  • The ratio of damaged tissues.
  • The general condition of health before stroke
  • The activity level before the stroke occurred.

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