septic shock

Cold hard facts about septic shock

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Whenever your blood pressure drops to low levels while you’re battling infection, you’re in a condition known as ‘septic shock’. Generally, infections are due to various types of bacteria and/or viruses. However, viruses rarely cause infections. In the initial stages of infection, there is a link with sepsis. A person with sepsis will feel weak, may experience chills, heavy laborious breathing, or rapid heartbeat. If left untreated the toxins, left behind by bacteria, begin attacking your small blood vessels. That causes the blood vessels to leak fluid out into the tissues surrounding them. Consequently, this can seriously affect how effectively the heart pumps blood to the organs (brain, liver, kidneys, etc.).

Swelling can lead to organ damage. Furthermore, blood clots while you’re in a septic state which will decrease the blood flow to your organs, starving them of oxygen. Your organs can actually fail in more serious cases. Infection may also result in a decrease in your blood pressure which can be deadly. This condition is ‘septic shock’.

Risk factors

septic shock
Whenever your blood pressure drops to low levels while you’re battling infection, you’re in a condition known as ‘septic shock’.

People who have weak immune systems are at higher risk of developing septic shock. The list includes –
1. New-Born Babies
2. The Elderly
3. Pregnant Women
4 People With Long-Term Conditions like Kidney Failure, etc.
5. People With Lower Immune Systems due to HIV or Receiving Chemotherapy


Septic shock has several symptoms that can signal someone that this is what they’re going through.

  • At first, nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Cold, Clammy, and Pale Skin
  • In addition, dizziness Upon Standing (due to low blood pressure)
  • Lastly, diarrhea

Anytime the things listed above are happening to you or someone you know, it qualifies as a medical emergency, and an ambulance needs to be called immediately.

Treatment of septic shock

Anytime someone arrives at the emergency room in septic shock they are usually put into intensive care immediately. Generally, in intensive care, their organs can be monitored and the infection can be treated properly. In addition, in most all cases the treating of the infection will be started immediately. This type of treatment may include the following –

  • At first, giving Fluids via IV
  • Giving Antibiotics
  • Medications Designed to Increase Blood Flow
  • Lastly, utilizing Oxygen Therapy, and in certain cases, surgery may be necessary.


Your chance of survival from septic shock will depend on various factors. Furthermore, some of these factors are –
1. What Caused the Infection
2. How Quickly You Began Receiving Treatment
3. How Many Organs Failed Already

NOTE: Not beginning your treatment quickly enough can cause serious complications. Some examples of these complications are –

  • Kidney Failure
  • Abnormal Blood Clotting
  • Respiratory Failure (the lungs are unable to take in sufficient oxygen)
  • Lastly, heart Failure (the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood around your body)

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