How to Prevent a Bear Attack?

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If you are to survive a bear attack and tell the tale, the first thing that you must know is that bears are highly unpredictable. Regardless of whether you are talking about a grizzly bear or a black bear, this is something that you must keep in mind.  The safest bet, as far as bear attacks, is to avoid the attack altogether. Bears hate surprises, so whenever you are hiking, go about it noisily so that you give the bears an opportunity to retreat. Clap your hands, call out loudly or sing along. It is important to allow the bears to retreat as they are susceptible to stress that results from human activity within their vicinity. By steering clear of their paths, you are well able to protect the bears as well as stay safe.

How to avoid the bears?

It is easy to avoid a bear attack if you know what to look out for. Watch for bear droppings along the way as this will be a tell-tale sign of there presence. In some instances, you will find areas which have been dug up by the bears, and this will often be accompanied by tracks indicating their movement. If you see a bear from a distance, and it has not spotted you, try to get away as quietly as you can. Resist from shouting at the bear as this will get it by surprise and might trigger an attack.

Characteristics of bear behavior during an impending bear attack

Despite the best efforts to stay away from these massive creatures, humans will sometimes come into contact with bears. It is therefore crucial to know the behavioral tendencies of these bears as this is will increase the chances of survival. The behaviors that a bear exhibits will be determined by their state. Female bear mothers with their cubs tend to be very protective, and this will come across as aggressiveness. Old bears on the other hand, can be very desperate, making them easy to attack. When faced with stress, bears will attempt to scare humans by panting and making low-pitched hissing sounds. They may also start growling as they lower their heads. If you are keen, you will notice that the ears will be pulled back. These are often signs of an impending bear attack if the intruder does not back off.

If you identify a bear in the distance, and you cannot possibly get away without being noticed, begin speaking in a calm voice  and wave your hands gently. This will ensure that the bear acknowledges your presence. Do not try to run away as the bear is very fast especially over short distances. Take note too, that climbing a tree is not an assurance that you will be safe. This is simply because bears can climb trees just as well as they can swim. These safety tips will, hopefully, help you survive a bear attack the next time you come face to face with these majestic creatures.

If you do get attacked by a bear it is good to know some basic first aid. Knowing how to manage puncture wounds and open wounds can make the difference between life or death. Obviously, if you are attacked by a bear and receive life threatening wounds contact EMS as soon as possible. If you are entering areas that are popular locations for bears you may want to consider carrying bear spray and travel in larger groups for your safety.

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