First aid services are an integral part of any emergency simply because when you know what you are doing, you are more likely to be confident about it. Emergencies are, in an interesting twist, a predictable part of life because while they occur unexpectedly, it is unwise to think they cannot occur. This is why it is crucial to know the exact role of first aid basics as this could make the difference between life and near-death. Just as the name implies, these are basics that anyone taking first aid training can afford to miss out on.
[youtube url=””]What topics constitute first aid basics?
Justifiably, first aid is a wide topic hence the need to have basics outlined so that everyone who goes through this form of training has a solid foundation for first aid techniques particularly if they decide to advance their skills. Many courses on offer, both online and offline, cover the basics, so you need not worry about skipping these basics. Below are some of the basic topics that are covered during the course:
– How to assess an individual in distress at the initial stages of the situation.
– How to identify an emergency.
– How to safeguard yourself when attending to a victim. This is an essential among first aid basics because if this is not followed, the rescuer becomes a victim of their own help. Safeguarding one’s self means taking precaution during emergencies such as bomb attacks as well as protecting oneself from infections.
– How to effectively control severe bleeding
– How to deal with fractures and broken bones. This is often closely tied to proper management of head, neck and spine injuries.
– How to address cardiac arrest and what techniques to use.
– How to handle injuries arising from heatstroke. The reverse of this involves the knowledge of how to manage hypothermia.
With all these topics to be covered, students ought to know that one of the most fundamental topics to be covered among first aid basics is to know when to get in touch with emergency services. What’s more, first aiders must be able to accurately describe the condition on the ground as well as give details pertaining to the victim’s vital organs. Typically, this will include a precise description of the victim’s injuries, whether they are responsive or not as well as the extent of injuries. As a general rule, the more information the first aid personnel have, the higher the chance of survival on the victim’s part.
Due to the general scope of first aid, training may take anywhere from a few days to a couple of months depending on the skills to be acquired. The duration of training and the skills acquired are directly proportional. It is recommended to take up full training since this will prepare you adequately for any emergencies that may occur. This will build up on the first aid basics that you already have, making for a skilled and well trained first aider.