Preventing Sports Injuries

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Sports injuries generally occur due to direct impact, or overuse which can lead to sprains and strains. Sports injuries are categorized into two types, namely chronic and acute injuries. All the injuries that happen suddenly are known as acute injuries like the spraining of the ankle due to an awkward landing. While a person can injure any part of their body while engaging in sport, sports injuries mostly refer to injuries sustained to the musculoskeletal system.

Other than the expected pain, you may also see signs of inflammation and contusions to the skin. The injured part will be very sensitive when you touch it. The pain and throbbing may last for up to several hours.

Different Kinds Of Sport Injuries

Sports injuries generally occur due to direct impact, or overuse which can lead to sprains and strains. Sports injuries are categorized into two types, namely chronic and acute injuries
Sports injuries generally occur due to direct impact, or overuse which can lead to sprains and strains. Sports injuries are categorized into two types, namely chronic and acute injuries

The most common injuries include:

  • Ankle spraining: its symptoms include stiffness, pain, and swelling.
  • Bruises: this causes bleeding beneath the skin.
  • Concussion: this occurs when there is bleeding on the brain and may result in loss of consciousness. Its symptoms include dizziness, headache or loss of memory (short term).
  • Abrasions and cuts: these are caused due to falling. The hands and the knees are mostly affected.
  • Dehydration: there is too much loss of fluid due to heat stroke and heat exhaustion.
  • Dental damage: the jaw can break, become dislodged and crack the teeth.
  • Strain to the groin: symptoms include swelling, pain and bruising.
  • Injuries to the knee joints: symptoms include swelling, pain and bruising.
  • Nose injuries: a direct blow can cause a broken or bleeding nose.
  • Fractures: these generally occur in the lower limbs due to cracked bones, continuous jumping and running.

 Immediate Assistance for Joints Injuries, Strains, and Sprains

General suggestions for the first aid treatment for strains, sprains and injuries to the joints include:

  • Rest: you need to support the wounded area for 48 to 72 hours.
  • Ice: the ice should be applied to the wounded area for twenty minutes.
  • Compression: the application of an elastic bandage on the affected or injured area.
  • Elevation: place the wounded area above the level of the heart.
  • Referral: see the doctor for immediate medical care.
  • Heat: don’t heat the wound, it will enhance bleeding.
  • Alcohol: this increases swelling and bleeding.
  • Avoid Running: exercise and the running can increase the flow of blood and delay healing to the wound.
  • Avoid Massage: massaging can increase the bleeding and swelling.

How To Prevent Sports Injuries

You can minimize sport injuries if:

  • You wear right sandals or shoes.
  • Warm up your body properly before exercising.
  • Strap or tape the susceptible joints, if required.
  • Use the best protection equipment like pads, helmets and mouth guards.
  • Make sure you have a lot of fluids like water and juice before and during the game.

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