First Aid Tips During Removal Of Fish Hooks

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Fishing trips present an exciting period to be away from home but can also be fraught with numerous challenges if one is ill prepared for some of the unexpected twists and turns that characterize the outdoors.

Gently apply Gauze Into an affected area by Fish Hooks
Gently apply Gauze Into an affected area by Fish Hooks

One of the ways in which you can get prepared for a fishing trip is by learning a few first aid tips that will help you manage any injuries. One of the most common injuries is when fish hooks perforate the skin. To be able to deal with this effectively, it is vital that one is aware of the first aid procedures to follow during removal of fish hooks. Listed below are the recommended procedures for this type of first aid:

–          Look at the kind of injury that is present at the point where the fish hooks have entered the skin. Check to see whether the barb of the hook is underneath the skin or not. If the barb has not entered the skin, you want to gently tug at the hook so that force is in the opposite direction. In cases where the barb has gone beneath the skin, there are a number of methods available to go about the removal of fish hooks as listed below.

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–          The first method that you can use is known as the fish line method. In this method, the first aider cleans their hands before washing the area around the hook. The next step involves creating a loop using fishing line before placing the loop through the fishhook at the point where it bends. The purpose of doing this is to allow for the fishhook to be tugged out using the shaft of the hook. Hold the shaft in place and push the barb away in order to prevent contact of the two. All the while, keeping this pressure persistent will facilitate for the removal of fish hooks.

Once the fish hooks come off, it is imperative to make sure that the wound is cleaned well to eliminate the risk of getting infections.

–          The second alternative as far as removal of the hooks is concerned revolves around the method of cutting the wire. The procedure is essentially the same as that which is described above, but differences arise in the following techniques.

  • Pressure is applied to the curved region of the fishhook, all the while pulling on the same. In cases where the tip is superficially located, the cutting technique allows for the hook to be snipped just after the barb.
  • The rest of the hook is then eliminated by pulling it in the opposite direction to facilitate for the removal of fish hooks.

Regardless of the method used, it is important for the first aider to be on the look out for signs of infection. These include redness of the affected area, pain, tenderness as well as fluid accumulation. More importantly, it is imperative not to use these methods for fish hooks that are embedded deeply within the skin and/or touch on a joint as this could cause extensive damage.

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