Kids With Asthma – Effective Treatment

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Overview Of Asthma

Asthma is fairly common in kids. Though it is a severe medical disorder, asthma can be well managed, permitting your child to live a complete and dynamic life.

Asthma Symptoms In Kids

Children with asthma generally have the following symptoms:

  • Wheezing (a shrieking sound in the chest when exhaling);
  • Coughing;
  • Trouble breathing; and
  • A feeling of tension in the chest.

What Triggers Asthma

Asthma symptoms in kids can be ‘triggered’ (intensified or precipitated) by an extensive range of causes, including:

  • Virus-related breathing infections such as colds;
  • Contact to allergens (including pollens, pets and dust mites);
  • By exercising;
  • Contact to dry or cold air;
  • Smoke from cigarettes; and
  • Certain medications

Also, an allergy to a certain food can cause asthma. Though, it is vital that you do not remove essential foods from your child’s diet except your child has been assessed and diagnosed by a professional doctor as having an allergy. If you remove foods unreasonably and without direction, you risk causing a nutritive deficiency in your child.


  • Your GP will evaluate your child and take a detailed account of your child’s symptoms, as well as incidences of wheeziness and coughing.
  • Wheeziness that is insistent or regular is most likely to be asthma. Amongst younger kids, if symptoms only take place when the child has flu, a diagnosis of asthma is less expected.

Treating Asthma In Kids’

The basic aim to treat asthma is to manage the asthma symptoms so that your kid can lead a complete life and to reduce the amount of asthma attacks. This is attained by:

  • Knowing what activates your child’s asthma;
  • Protecting your child against those triggers;
  • Helping your child to take the asthma medications that have been recommended by your GP; and
  • Frequently revising the treatment and managing your child’s asthma with your GP.

Related Video On Asthma

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