The Best Treatment of Delirium

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Delirium is a condition that many people suffer as a result of alcohol withdrawal. It can be pretty severe and comes with changes in the mental and nervous.

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Causes of delirium.

When one stops the consumption of alcohol after an extended period of such a practice of heavy drinking coupled by poor eating habits, the individual stands the chances of getting the condition of delirium.

Infections, illnesses and head injuries can also cause delirium especially if the individual has history of heavy alcohol consumption.

Alcohol withdrawal still stands as the major cause of delirium in most cases. Delirium tremens is especially common in the class of individuals who are in the habit of drinking 4 – 5 pints of wine or 7 – 8 pints of beer every day for a period of several months. Delirium tremens also commonly affects people who have had an alcohol habit or alcoholism for a period of more than 10 years.

Symptoms of delirium.

The first symptoms of delirium tremens can be evident in 48 – 96 hours after one has the alcohol drink that would be considered the last. From there, the symptoms can get worse at a very fast rate. They include tremors, mental dysfunctions, irritability, excitement, fear, disorientation, decreased attention span, hallucination and fatigue.

Seizures may also be experience together with the common alcohol withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, depression, nausea and rapid emotional changes. Delirium is generally a case of medical emergency. Once detected, the individual should be rushed to a doctor as soon as possible.

At the hospital, there are tests that will be done to determine if the condition presented is that of delirium. The tests are set to determine;

  • Increased startle reflex
  • Heavy sweating
  • Problems with eye muscle movement
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Rapid muscle tremors
  • Rapid heart rate


The main goal of treating delirium is for the single purpose of saving the person’s life, relieve him of the symptoms and prevent the chances of more complications developing. In a number of cases, a patient with delirium is sedated for sometime or until the symptoms fade. Some medications that help with the seizures, tremors and anxieties will also be administered.   In cases of severe psychotic symptoms, antipsychotic medications may be used. This is more applicable if the patient has history of schizophrenia.

A doctor would recommend that long-term preventive treatment to commence after the patient recovers from immediate symptoms. The treatment may involve a “drying out” period. During this period, no alcohol is allowed to be taken by the patient. Total and lifelong abstinence from alcohol is recommended for most people who go through withdrawal. The patient should receive treatment for alcohol use or alcoholism, including counseling and support groups

Delirium is a life threatening condition that should be dealt with properly. The people going through alcohol withdrawal need help and support from their families and the community at large. Counseling sessions should be organized so that they can be assisted on the manners by which they can get back to the normal lifestyles of the society and become functional people again.

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